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Latest Competence Matters News

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024
Recently we have been working closely with West Lothian and North Lanarkshire’s DYW staff in scheduling school visits to promote the vast opportunities within Construction, focusing on apprenticeship routes with pupils. Whilst visiting schools we have been liaising with our clients to assist us with promoting and attending visits with our Operations Director and Marketing Team. Providing the pupils with practical tasks to encourage discussion and create an open forum to explain the different phases of construction and promoting gender equality within Construction. We have received excellent feedback from local schools resulting in Competence Matters being invited back for further visits.
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CIOB Newcastle
We are delighted to announce that Competence Matters are work closely with CIOB Newcastle Division on 2024 upcoming events. In April 2024, we are gold sponsors of the prestigious Annual Dinner, celebrating the success of the Construction Industry, alongside spreading the word of our NVQ’s and the benefits of work-based learning within the industry and route to MCIOB with Competence Matters. Within the coming weeks, we will be sponsoring CIOB Newcastle’s student challenge by showing our supporting through mentoring and judging of the selected students. The objective of this event is to promote the vast routes within the industry and options for the future generation and providing our professional advice.

Employer Workshop
Throughout 2023 / 2024 we have hosted internal employer workshops with our existing client covering the delivery of our apprenticeships and how we can improve our delivery to the learner from an employer perceptive. The objective of our workshops is to engage our clients and tailor the learning experience to suit an induvial through additional support materials and a tailored learning experience. Discussions in our workshops are based around the current status of the Construction Industry and how we as a provider can streamline learning and development for our employers. The success of our initial workshop has results in repeat workshops to be scheduled throughout 2024.