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The Learning Portal
At the core of our services is a web based competence management portal.


As an integral part of our service, Competence Matters offer access to our online learning platform called “The Learning Portal”
The learning portal offers a unique approach to the learning and development cycle. It provides an integrated approach for employers, trainers, assessors, lecturers, and most importantly the learner.
The learning portal is a 24/7 secure window to all your training and competence records, including every training course, qualification, assignment, test, exam or assessment you have ever undertaken. Learning is divided into “bite sized chunks” in a pre-defined “route to competence” where the learning materials, rehearsal exercises, assignments and assessments are set out in a clear and structured manner for ease of learning.
No more wasted time spent fighting traffic on the way to evening classes at night school. No more sitting through lectures for Units that you have already achieved. Via a process of induction and pre identification of your previous knowledge skills and qualifications the learning portal uses this data to prepare a tailored programme of learning which reflects you existing knowledge, skills and experiences. It then compares this with the requirements of your chosen programme of learning including preferred optional pathways and generates a tailored solution specific to you. This avoids double learning and streamlines a programme of development appropriate to your needs.
For additional information please call us on +44 141 630 4150 or contact us